What week?
15 weeks of pregnancy
How big is the baby?
Around 13 cm and around 150 grammes
Something special this week?
The balloon effect!
As the day passes, my belly is more and more rounded.I can’t remember having this effect of a swelling balloon with the boys but, for sure, I have a pretty belly by the end of the day !
Most challenging moment?
Little H has been ill all week.
We even thought it might be Covid19… But in the end, his test was negative and my poor boy suffered from a bronchitis, an ear infection and a gastro-instestinal disorder. All the week was pretty tough.
Monday announcement about the Health pass.
Until then, being pregnant, I didn’t want to be vaccinated. I’m not against vaccination but I don’t trust this worldwide test of a new vaccine, with no clue of its impact in a decade. I’ve seen on my family members the negative impact of being quickly vaccinated against the B hepatitis when it was on the market. I’ve already a disabled child, and as pregnant women are never included in vaccination tests, I distrust all those campaigns. I’ve talked about it with pregnant friends abroad and as they were asked not to be vaccinated, I made my decision not to do it.
And, on Monday night, the Health pass was announced.
At first, I only thought it would mean I have to be self isolated even more than now and my situation would be more complicated.
But, they also announced the tests will stop to be repaid and shall be less than 48h to be accepted. And this pass will be mandatory for all my daily business. I am at the hospital or medical center between 2 and 3 times per week. If I don’t have a pass, I can’t go with Little H, Mr A and not even go to my pregnancy appointments !
Now, the only solution is to be vaccinated. And that’s why I’m angry. This is an obligation they won’t recognize as such and I have no other choice to go against my principles and decisions.
I totally understand why it is important to stop the pandemy and for all of society. I totally understand the delta coronavirus variant is a real threat for pregnant women and how not to be vaccinated jeopardize everyone for the 4th wave. But it’s really hard for me to accept this disguised obligation.
Most exciting moment?
This weekend we discovered 4 chicks hatched ! It was such a cute and fluffy little surprise !
Mr A wasn’t fine tonight. I was a bit sad about my day (it was our last day at the hospital since Little H is going to change to a new structure so goodbyes are hard after 18 months….).
I took Mr A with me in bed and we just cuddled together until he fell asleep. It felt so good listening to him becoming peaceful. I listened to his breath and it was the perfect moment to meditate with one of my favorite mantras “May I be peaceful”. And we were peaceful. For real. I could put some emotions and thoughts in order and it was beautiful.
What’s new doctor?
I’ve booked my midwife !
I have no idea how or what we are going to do to get ready for a third baby but it’s a new step to follow !
Weight ?
If my last blood results were good with no diabetes, I realize I was less strict over the last weeks. Time to note things down again !
Nutrition ?
Little H illness took me by surprise and the family diet was around cereals and carbohydrates.
Not the ideal diet.
Movement ?
Nothing. Not even biking.
For days, it was pouring and I used mainly the car. I wasn’t motivated enough to do yoga just to counterbalance the lack of movement, even if I’m sure it would feel so good !
Motivation ?
Small streams make big rivers.
I was completely down with Little H illness so now, I try to count every small victory.
And I use meditation to sort my emotions out.
Self Care ?
I slept a lot this weekend.
I was so tired I had a lot of headache so sleeping was the best medicine in the world, especially since my husband took care of the boys !
Reflexions ?
Tonight, while I was listening to Mr A falling asleep, I realized how lucky I was that he was so healthy, smart, kind and beautiful.
I’ve also realized how long the way has been for Little H (and hard sometimes) but also how lucky we have been to meet the good person every time we needed someone to guide us, help us to the next step. Without these people we wouldn’t be here we are now.
And I’ve thought how lucky we are with this 3rd pregnancy, especially when I think of several of our friends who can’t succeed to be parents.
Cuddling in bed, listening to the falling rain on the roof, I sent a silent but grateful thanks to all these people and the Universe.
Biscuits faits maison pour offrir en cadeau à l’équipe de l’hôpital de jour et de la crèche