What week ?
Week 7
How big is the baby ?
Around 5,500g
Even ill, Petit F goes on gaining weight.
What's new this week ?
Petit F was a kind little patient even if it wasn’t easy for him to sleep or eat with his running nose.
Despite everything he went on with his baby life, snuggling, cuddling and the loveliest smiles while he was awake.
He still has a dripping nose but I think the hardest part is behind us. Such a relief !
Favorite moment ?
Beautiful family moments with big brothers taking care of their new little brother.
Even if Mr A says he’s used to being a big brother, he really cares beautifully to Petit F. Without asking, he tries to comfort him as much as possible : cuddles, songs, little finger to suckle…
Little H is really getting interested in the baby. Now he comes to see him with a big smile on his face and touches him very slowly with one finger as if he was about to touch the most fragile thing he knows, or when he hesitates he takes his hand for me to stroke him instead.
Most challenging moment ?
Recovery !
The kids have recovered well but us, the parents, are struggling with the accumulation of fatigue. Short nights are weighing on us, on our patience and communication.
Mama Time
On Sunday, my husband took care of the 3 boys while I was having a workshop with Morrin about setting intentions for 2022.
It felt really good to spend this moment between adults from all over Europe, to think about our highest values and objectives for the new year.
My body
It’s more and more difficult for me to see myself in a mirror. This body has changed me so much, or on the contrary it doesn’t improve. I feel flabby, weak, plump… well not very sexy right now.
I had the bad idea to order some clothes on sale and I didn’t like what I saw at the fitting. I can’t find the courage to wear the clothes I used to wear before my pregnancy because I fear they won’t fit. Not easy to accept myself again as a woman…
That’s it, things are back on track (after what I saw in the mirror)
Less sugar, more greens and more variety in the plates are on the menu !
What's working ?
There are still some crises but I believe we are on the good track, even if exhaustion makes things difficult.
Reflexions ?
This week of recovery wasn’t smooth enough and I really feel how challenging it has been for my body. The lack of sleep has been very hard and really impacts the quality of my relationships and my communications.
Having a baby is a real marathon and if you always manage for a short run, arriving at the end is not that easy. That’s how you really need to find some tricks to go on.
Calendar coincidence ?
My interview for the australian website Atlas of Motherhoods has been published this week. I’m very impressed and kind of proud to share my motherhood experiences amongst mothers from all the world and amazing personnalities.