What week?
I’m 18 weeks pregnant
How big is the baby?
More than 20 cm and 240g grammes
Something special this week?
I’m half of this pregnancy !
In about 20 weeks, BB#3 will be in my arms ! (There is still plenty of time but it’s amazing to see how far we’ve been ! )
Most exciting moment?
The boys reunited with their grandparents.
We haven’t seen them for almost two years so Mr A was really happy to welcome them and spend time with them !
For Little H, it was quite a discovery…
Most challenging moment?
Being vaccinated.
With the sanitary pass introduced here in France and all the weekly appointments I have for the boys at the hospital, I had to be vaccinated.
I’ve done plenty of research on what is done in other countries for pregnant women and that’s Canada which helped me the most, in particular on the restrictions. I’ve chosen Moderna and I have done the first shot.
And it was really hard for me. I felt coerced to inject this unknown and unwanted product in my body. I came back home crying.
What’s new doctor?
This week was dedicated to the glycemic controls.
I’ve forgotten everything ! How to measure, the hours, everything !
For now, the index is not good and very irregular. There are a lot of adjustments to do until my end of the month appointment.
Weight ?
I’ve lost 0,5kg in two weeks. Clearly, when sugar is out of your alimentation, things are changing !
Nutrition ?
As I was explaining earlier, I am adjusting my diet. The most difficult thing for now is to find a low glycemic index breakfast. I’m doing some tests…
But having my parents all week is clearly not helping so it will be easier next week !
Movement ?
Not much. And I’m easily out of breath !
Carrying Little H all day and on the stairs is getting tough.
That’s why I’ve searched for a prenatal program to help me reinforce everything in my core. I can’t wait to try it next week when it will be easier !
Motivation ?
This week is really demanding.
I have the boys at home and my parents so I have plenty on my plate with the logistics, the meals, the visits …
It is very far from the slow rhythm of my days until then !
Self Care ?
Going out and visiting are great.
It was such a long time since we hadn’t been tourists !
Reflexions ?
With the boys at home and my parents, I really became aware how much my 18 weeks of pregnancy limit my energy and physical capacities;
Carrying, strolling, cooking, organizing … demand me such an energy I don’t have anymore and I really need to adapt my daily routine and to limit some efforts. Maybe that’s the most difficult part of this 3rd pregnancy.
Especially since having 2 demanding boys at home, it’s easier to say it than doing it ! That’s why I’ve decided to renounce some commitment for the new school year…