What week?
I’m 17 weeks pregnant
How big is the baby?
Around 20 cm and around 200 grammes
Something special this week?
I feel baby moving (with no doubt)
and … we know if it’s a boy or a girl !
Most exciting moment?
Sharing the news with my husband and Mr A !
My regular gynecologist was on holiday so I had an appointment with her substitute. She made all the measures during the scan and asked me if I saw on screen the baby sex. I’ve always sucked to recognize baby sex and I didn’t know what to look for. I couldn’t resist the curiosity to know what it is so I asked her to show me precisely what I was supposed to see.. I was so curious I didn’t think at first but now I think I should have waited my husband to be there (he’s very good to find the baby sex on screen and has been disappointed to miss this). Well, the gynecologist printed the scan to show him and I prepared a very small surprise to reveal the gender in the evening.
At diner, my husband and Mr A had their surprise pocket and discovered the color of the pen together to reveal the gender of our latest family member!
Most challenging moment?
Sleep again.
Changing bed for Little H was much harder than we thought. His bed was his secure universe and losing the bars was too much for him. We spent all week with late bedtime, numerous awakenings at night and a little man very tired (and parents exhausted too).
Eventually, my husband rebuilt the baby bed and everybody has been sleeping better since. It has an immediate effect. Now, we have to find a way for a better transition as having 2 beds in such a small bedroom can’t be an option.
What’s new doctor?
Diabetes is back.
Baby is tall, very tall. He has a lot of fluid. I’ve gained too much weight, I suffer from headaches… There is no doubt about it.
I’m back to a sugar free diet ! And to search for all the hidden sugar we have in our foods!
Weight ?
I totally forgot to weigh myself…
Nutrition ?
I eliminate every food that isn’t good or my glycemie (I had totally forgotten sandwich bread had 17g of sugar per slice! ) and I’m reviewing all my low GI recipes.
But I enjoyed my only date of the year ! My husband and I went to the restaurant, just the 2 of us !
Veggie or vegan restaurants are so hard to find where we live, I was so happy to go and try this vegan restaurant ! Except for my garlic allergies, I could eat everything I wanted (yes, forgot diabetes on this lunch). It was delicious and so beautiful !
Movement ?
Mr A is on holiday with his grandparents, Little H doesn’t have his daily care so I had less opportunity to bike.
But I moved furniture, built some others and painted in every position possible. So it can count as exercise isn’t it ?
Motivation ?
Mr A is on holiday for a week, so I have only a week to paint and settle his new desk. That’s why I’ve decided to work less and spend my time on this desk and my new office.
If everything goes right, I should have my own place to work in a few days !
Self Care ?
Let things go !
This week,I took things as they came, choosing only the most important and it was quite efficient. Less stress, doing some manual work and taking the time I needed to do it really feels like vacations !
Reflexions ?
Am I happy to have a third boy ? Am I not too disappointed not to have a girl ?
These are the questions everyone asks me and I’m not really sure of my answer.
What is sure is I will never have a girl (having a 4th kid is out of our family vision and having a baby past 40 is not ideal for me). So this is really goodbye to my baby girl expectation.
A small part of me regrets I will never know another kind of maternity and relationship. I tried to imagine what it would look like to play games I loved to play as a girl or to invest myself in hairstyles. Later, I’m sure it would have been wonderful to share some common passion and women talks. But that’s all.
Having a girl would have been such a challenge. Becoming a mother has been such a choc, as I relived and rediscovered my entire childhood. Facing my own fears and difficulties with female representations would have been another kind of choc. Facing my complexes, my own contradictions to support a growing woman as I still can’t accept myself would have been for sure a great learning but so hard. I have so many bad examples of mother-daughter bonds, my psychiatrist joked about the situation saying we would have to see each other more often if I would have a daughter…
Eventually, having a third boy suits me. I know he’s going to be different from his brothers, that I would need to get to know him and his peculiarities but visualizing another boy is kind of comforting. Everything is so complex in my life right now, I find it very soothing not to have to wonder about anything else, not even logistics issues.
Mr A was really happy to have another little brother. He said he was worried a little sister would annoy herself amongst so many boys (which I don’t believe at all). I believe he sees this baby as an opportunity to have the playmate he couldn’t find in Little H.
My husband hoped for a little girl “to change for a third baby” but his pragmatism finally won. At least we are ready !
Ready ? Really ? Now we have to find a name for this little boy and it was so difficult for Little H, I’m sure it will be another challenge !