What week?
I’m 29 weeks pregnant.
How big is the baby?
At the scan on Tuesday, my gynecologist told me my baby boy is in the 90th percentile for his height and weight around 1,9kg. He really is a “massive” little boy, exactly as Mr A was at this stage.
Something special this week?
Tiktok, the countdown is down !
Since BB#3 is growing so fast, my gynecologist advised me to be prepared for the beginning of december, rather than the end. We are slightly accelerating all the preparation then !
Most challenging moment?
I had some bad news from the childcare arrangements. All the daycare centers we applied to had rejected our files. Now, the only solution we have is to reach one by one the 250 nannies of our town…
And to make things easier, I’ve also learned Little H won’t be able to stay after school at school-care in september so I’ll have to go and pick him up at 16h. It’s going to be so easy with my business!
Well, new issues to solve…
Most exciting moment?
We began to prepare some little things for BB#3 bedroom !
Mr A and I chose his first pyjamas and we also built a little dream catcher to hang at his window.
My husband built the library and we are piling up all the baby stuff in the room !
What’s new doctor?
I feel so much better! Antibiotics have been amazing. I’m still quite tired and coughing but it’s nothing compared to last week !
I have some blood tests and other analysis to do in a few days to check everything is right but BB#3 is healthy so that’s all that matters !
His little heart beat strongly, he can’t stop moving, the umbilical cord works properly, the cervix is tight and long despite the coughing so all is well !
Weight ?
Nutrition ?
I’m still on a diet. Doctors are still talking about insulin. I wait and I’ll see in a few days what they’ll decide at my next appointment
Movement ?
I have to slow down biking !
My gynecologist asked me to avoid “the dangerous situation” such as taking the kids to school in the morning with all the traffic.
I can only bike on my daily appointments and small distances.
Motivation ?
Since I’m less ill, I feel better. I am less foggy or depressed. I find solutions more easily to manage all the things to do even if it remains soooo difficult to do everything in 24h !
I had my first and penultimate appointment with my midwife. It was a bit rushed but I’ll settle with these as it is all we could fit in my mad schedule ! Nevertheless, I was happy to have some reminders and tips.
Self Care ?
More sleep and more rest to cope with my days.
My 3rd week of Inktober with all my tiny characters.
And I’ve been back to my illumination class. It felt so good !
Reflexions ?
Such a long week to get better!
I was very upset by my childcare issues as they are changing all my business organisation which is already difficult and not ideal.
I really try to be creative to find better solutions, I’m quite tired to always have some new issues to solve. It’s frustrating and it takes me so much energy !