What week?
I’m 33 weeks pregnant.
How big is the baby?
I can’t tell but looking at my belly, I can say he’s growing up nicely !
I really feel him spreading and stretching all in my belly from side to side.
Something special this week?
A lot of hope for the weeks to come and it feels so good to create some positive perspectives !
Most challenging moment?
I’m really down this week.
My tendon pains are still there. And now I have some standing and walking pain which didn’t help either. It’s strange, I didn’t have these kinds of pains or limitations for my previous pregnancies. For Little H I had plenty of contractions all the time but it wasn’t painful and I could move freely. Here, it’s different. I can’t walk for a long time and I have to lie down regularly to release the belly tension.
What’s also new is BB#3 press somewhere on my tight nerves and for a few seconds I can’t feel my legs nor standing up, which can be surprising and frightening when I’m on the stairs for example.
Most exciting moment?
We followed my Doula friend’s advice and found our own Doula. And I think we have found her !
We are going to meet her at the beginning of December but the phone call was promising. I found she was a good listener, she asked very good questions on my needs, my desires… She might even be able to take care of the boys if she can handle Little H handicap. If not, and if the hospital accepts she’ll be there, she’ll come with me at the hospital. And she might support us for the postpartum .
So many hopes now !
What’s new doctor?
Except from the end of pregnancy pains, BB#3 is more and more present. He has his own rhythm.
He usually moves while I’m eating, very happy to enjoy the new sugar rush. Each time I lay down, he moves a lot. Mr A didn’t like me lying down on my right side and used to knock hard until I changed my position. BB#3 doesn’t do that but he moves a lot if I stay on my right side. If someone touches my belly, he answers by knocking hard. On Wednesday I had my second (and last) midwife appointment and we tried some new delivery positions. He wasn’t happy with that and made us know it very clearly.
But it’s at night when he moves the most. No matter the position, he wiggles in every position, he stretches himself and kicks in my ribs. I feel the bumps of his feet, his back on my left side and his head pushing hard on my cervix. It’s not easy to sleep with all these exercises. I’m slowly changing my sleeping rhythm: less at night and a lot of rest during the day when my schedule makes it possible of course.
Weight ?
Nutrition ?
The endocrinologist gave me a last appointment for mid-december. According to her, my diabete is stable and my pregnancy has reached its end so I don’t need such monitoring anymore. But I have to go on with my 6 daily glycemic index control. And I have to confess I have enough of these…
My midwife gave me a magnesium supplement. According to her my tendon pains might be because of a lack of it. So I’m trying this new supplement.
Movement ?
As I explained above, moving is getting more and more difficult.
I admire the women who still exercise at the end of their pregnancy ! Sorting the laundry kneeled on the floor, emptying the dishwasher or washing the bathroom seems like a marathon to me.
Motivation ?
Bien meilleure.
Avoir des perspectives constructives aide forcément. Je vois les projets pro prendre fin, les cartons d’affaires de bébé se vider et se ranger. Je suis en plein shopping de naissance et de Noël et je commence à me détendre. Lorsque j’aurai fait la valise dans une dizaine de jours, je crois que je pourrai respirer (enfin !)
Much better.
Getting some new and positive perspective really helps. I see some ending in my professional projects, the cases of baby stuff empty and folded in the closets. I’m shopping for baby accessories and Christmas gifts and I begin to relax (a bit). When my suitcase will be ready, I think I’ll be able to breathe (at last!)
Self Care ?
On Saturday, I received a beautiful gift
I say “I” because I know my husband came only to make me happy. For each of the boys, we had a baby professional photoshoot. It was very important for me to have some beautiful pictures to keep a memory of these precious first moments. Even if it was difficult for my husband to pose, we did it and used the pictures for the birth announcements. I didn’t want to make some pregnancy pictures because I wasn’t comfortable to pose in underwear in a studio while trying to be glamorous. For Mr A and Little H, I’ve made a single picture of my belly each time and that was enough for me.
But this time was different. I’m still not comfortable with pregnancy photoshoots but I found an amazing photographer who also shoots lifestyle pictures. Her style is luminous, natural, soft… exactly what I dream of ! Her studio is not far from home and her fees are affordable. Since it is my last pregnancy, I really wanted to have this special moment with the boys. And the photographer was amazing. She adapted herself perfectly to Little H’s needs. We made soap bubbles and even if we were more stylish as usual, it was quite natural to be all on the bed, amongst cushions and carpets. I even believe my husband enjoyed it (a bit). The boys were happy for sure.
Now, I can’t wait to discover all the amazing pictures she would have selected. I’m supposed to have some news next week… Of course I’ll talk about it soon !
Reflexions ?
This week was organized the first Summit about Conscious births. I’ve tried to watch at least one per day and I’ve discovered amazing men and women. The topics are very numerous. They talk about parenting, delivery, nutrition, sophrology and even species evolution !
On the first day, Michel Odent was the guest of honor and I really loved who he was and what he told us. He really insisted about the impact of last century’s decisions on the human species, especially on fertility, bacteriology or genetics. Unlike what is usually said about the consequences on Human activities on health and environment, Dr Odent had Darwinist ideas which were really interesting ! They remind me of what I’ve heard in genetics about chromosomal deletion and duplication recently known over the last decades (Little H’s amongst them).
These lectures made me feel good. Of course they give me some keys for this pregnancy and the maternity to come. But also because they help me to take a step back from my daily issues. It was so precious to have access to this kind of information !