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My 5th week of pregnancy

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What week?

I’m week 5 pregnant

How big is the baby?

As big as a sesame seed ! (7mm)

Something special this week?

I’m soooo tired !

Most challenging moment?

All things around food.

I have nausea all the time and it’s really strange. I can’t stand the smell of some food but I can eat them all right whereas some food seems great and I can’t stand the taste or texture. It is really strange, especially since I never had this kind of symptoms for my previous pregnancies.

And of course, the only thing I can eat easily is everything sweet ! Which is annoying as I risk pregnancy diabetes…

Most exciting moment?

Planning this pregnancy

For professional reasons, I had to calculate when my maternity leave will be and honestly, setting a calendar really helps making this baby real.

What’s new doctor ?

Exhaustion !

I remember illustrating my days for my 1st pregnancy with the picture of a sloth and I’m afraid it’s still true. I wish I could spend all my days napping… (if I didn’t have any kids nor a job to do of course !

paresseux sloth

Weight ?


Which made me realize how much the progesteron impacts my health.

Nutrition ?

Nutrition enceinte pregnancy

I’m better at regulating my eating. 

I found the diabete notebook I used for Little H and started anew. I’ve stopped eating dessert at lunch to have a snack in the afternoon.

And I write down everything I eat to be more conscious of what I do

Mouvement ?

A lot of biking !

I’ve also practiced a bit of yoga but I’m not sure how to stick to it on a daily basis..

Mouvement enceinte pregnancy

Motivation ?

Motivation Enceinte Pregnant


Being so tired, I have zero motivation. Working, hobbies… everything asks me too much energy. That’s why I tried to do yoga again, to have more energy to go on with the months to come.

Self Care ?

Meditate at night ! Morphée is back on my bedside table and helps me work on my breath to keep calm and fall asleep easier.

Board game ! As the boys were quite tired in the evening, they went to bed early. It was the perfect opportunity to play with my husband, just the two of us. Even if I lost at each time, it was so great to have this quality time together !

Self Care enceinte pregnant

Réflexions ?

For my two first pregnancies, I had a lot of difficulties understanding how hard it was for my husband to visualize the baby and the pregnancy.

In my vision board, I manifested how much I wanted us to live this pregnancy together this time.   Since this pregnancy is the least romantic and the most medical it could be, it is not an easy target.  That’s why I really try to make my husband part of the pregnancy  steps.

Even if it wasn’t easy, I succeeded in finding a friend to take care of the boy on Monday evening to enable my husband to attend the first ultrasounds.

5ème semaine grossesse

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