What week?
I’m 22 weeks pregnant. Today, baby boy is 5 months old !
How big is the baby?
Since he is very tall, I think he is 28 cm for about 500g.
Something special this week?
We went on summer holidays !
Well, it was 5 days in the mountains close to home, les Vosges. We weren’t lucky with the weather, especially with the rain and the cottage wasn’t what we expected. But this was our only family holiday !
And today, it was the first day of the new school year!
Most exciting moment?
Visiting and touring all week !
Since we couldn’t enjoy the mountain to hike, we managed some excursions. It was always a bet since we knew Mr A would love them whereas we didn’t know how Little H would react.
In the end, the excursion to the theme park was great. It wasn’t crowded, there was no rain and Little H loved the roller coasters, laughing out loud !
The candy factory was great too, especially to taste the candies !
The most challenging moment was to visit the silver mining. One hour walking in the dark with the headlamp was a bit too much. He was very brave but he had enough after 45 minutes !
Most challenging moment?
I was really up and down and not in my best mood all week.
The memory of our latest journey in the Vosges was very fresh in my mind and I didn’t enjoy our holidays as expected.
What’s new doctor?
Baby moves so much !
It is so nice to discover his rhythm and how he lives inside my womb.
After each meal, he obviously reacts to the sugar rush. And when I lay down he stretched as much as possible. Which is funny, he is like Mr A : he doesn’t like when I’m on my right side so he kicks until I change my position !
I also went to the endocrinologist today.
She wasn’t very sure why I was there so I have to monitor my glycemic index all week to come back to her next Thursday !
No gain weight this week, that’s great !
Nutrition ?
Being away on holidays, there was much more veggie pizzas and fries in my menus as usual. And some sugar too…
The valley bakery made delicious thin baguettes with olives, tomatoes, dried fruits…
And I don’t talk about the pastries I wasn’t supposed to taste…
Movement ?
A lot more walking as usual with our little excursions.
We tried to hike a bit in the mountain close to the cottage but it was such a bad idea. I can’t breathe anymore !
Motivation ?
With back to school, things are moving at last!
I just received Little H schedule, some new customer visibility …
The months to come are going to be very busy but now I plan my own schedules !
Self Care ?
Except for sleeping a lot, I didn’t have a lot of me-time. Not even for my gratitude journal !
But since we came back home, it’s sunny again ! It is so great to enjoy the rays of the sun in the garden !
Reflexions ?
This week, my Facebook page reminded me of a picture I published 4 and 8 years ago.
- on 2023, August, 30th, I was 4 months pregnant with Mr A
- on 2017, August 30th, I was 2 and a half month pregnant with Little H
- And here I am, 5 months pregnant on 2021, August 30th !
As you know it well, all the infertility treatments are the reasons for having so many times between each pregnancy, but it was funny to think I’m pregnant every 4 years.
Here I am, 4 years apart, at the same place, with the same dress but with many differences..