What week?
I’m 23 weeks pregnant.
How big is the baby?
29 cm for 560 g according specialized books
Something special this week?
That’s it, everyone is back to work !
Mr A is back to school with sport and music lessons. My husband is back to his office (and his home office) and to his training. And Little H began on Tuesday his new care center going there alone in (special) taxi !
I’m also back to business with all my customers’ new projects!
September is such a full month !
Most challenging moment?
This week is a black week.
My grand-father died on Tuesday after being at the hospital a few days before. I loved him very much and his loss left me empty. When I realized how weak he was, I was organizing a trip to Nantes to go and see him. Unfortunately, I was too late and I couldn’t say goodbye to him.
This week was all about waiting for news, calls and waiting. And since Tuesday, I’m getting organized to leave for the funerals, find some train tickets, manage my business and deal with school. Mr A is going with me while my husband is staying at home with Little H. I’m currently writing on the train.
And since it can always get worse my father had a stroke on wednesday. Fortunately he was taken care of early and seems to have been very lucky but he’s still at the hospital. He won’t be able to attend his father’s funeral and won’t be able to say goodbye.
Most exciting moment?
Even if I live far from them, I’m still part of the family.
The solidarity chain of the last days helped me to be closer as ever to them. Feeling their love and their grief really helped me not to feel all alone. I’ve always lived far from them but those last few years, technology really helped me grow closer and more intimate with some of my family members. Social media and messengers are good sometimes !
My husband has been amazing. He gave me the space I needed, the support and comfort I wanted (and a shoulder to cry on )
And, I’m going to Nantes with Mr. A. His great-grand-father loss affects him and this is for us an opportunity to share a new kind of intimacy and a special journey together.
What’s new doctor?
No insulin for now !
I’m going to need strict monitoring at the diabete center with a lot of glycemic control but that’s good for now.
As for the baby, I didn’t have much time for him this week. But it is so comforting to feel him moving, happily in my womb .
Nutrition ?
I had a very surprising discussion at the diabete center today.
They are used to using the national nutritional recommandations. It was very hard for them to understand why I won’t increase my (animal) proteins and not reduce my carbohydrates. The fact a pregnant woman can be vegetarian seems to be perfectly alien to them !
When I explained to them I won’t increase my dairy consumption because of my arthrosis, I thought I lost them.
In the end, I was frustrated and disappointed by the appointment. I realized how much conventional medicine can’t offer alternatives for a healthier, kinder way of living. It has been so long since I wasn’t facing others’ judgement on this topic !
I will have to manage all by myself using my own resources to deal with a healthy and environmental and animal friendly nutrition.
Movement ?
Bike to go to school.
But this time I was much more puffing than before!
Motivation ?
I was pulled by the kids, business and appointments but my heart wasn’t there…
Self Care ?
I wasn’t very kind to myself this week.
Lack of sleep, a lot of work and stress, a lot of emotions …
Reflexions ?
This week was very challenging and the one to come will be too.
It will be emotional with the funerals and the goodbye and tiring with all the travel. Coming back home will be exhausting with all the work I’ll need to do to catch up.
September is going to be even more challenging from what I thought. I have to stick to what is beautiful and king and good around me. That’s why I took my Year of Growth journal with me to travel as a reminder !avec moi pour m’y tenir et ne plus lâcher prise !
His name was Jean. He was born 91 years ago on the banks of Loire. He just stopped breathing an hour ago in an hospital very near the Loire. His life has been one you can read about in novels, totally ordinary and extraordinary at the same time because of the times he lived in. He was very secret about it but when he talked it was a marvel. He was my grandfather. He was loved. Very much. He loved my grandmother so much I always looked at them as the real lovebirds. I couldn’t say goodbye to him. My grandmother neither. He slipped away quickly, exactly as he lived, always worried to disturb. He will be missed. I’ll missed him.
Toi aussi, tu es extraordinaire. 😘